Monday, April 25, 2011

wow- almost four months

Obviously, I've been away from my Blog.  So much so that I don't even know if anyone will read this.  But if you do read this, you deserve an explanation. 

I was getting too ornery.  There is just so much wrong with so many things that I felt overwhelmed.  I still do.  But I was complaining so much that I wasn't enjoying this.  Maybe this time I can strike a balance.  But not today.

Today I got into a discussion with a friend about Michael Vick being on the cover of Madden 12.  My friend said:

"... but i will say that being on madden's cover is about being a fantastic football player and whether they are good
humans is kind of tertiary, much as we wish it were not."

I totally agree with him.  He is right.

But I feel differently.  I am so tired of politicians, athletes, the super rich, what have you, feeling a sense of entitlement because they are they and we are not.  So, as I told my friend, they can all "eat shit and die" for all I care.  

So for all the dogs that Vick tortured, the woman that Ben R and others raped, and the poor people on the #7 train excoriated by John Rocker ...

This Bud's for you!!!