Monday, June 21, 2010


I just learned that I will get the additional 7 weeks that I am supposed to. Now I have a little time for Congress to do something or to get a job. Millions of others aren't so lucky.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Unemployment extension - Happy Father's Day

Thank Congress. I am now out of benefits and will start panhandling tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


To be honest, the rock face was the easiest part of the hike as it was the only place with switchbacks. So although it was ragged and slightly treacherous in places, it wasn't that difficult. The part to the left was very steep and exhausting since it was straight up. To the left of the picture was another rockface and that had no switchbacks and I had to climb and lift Guy up some of the rocks. THAT was rough.

Camels hump

I really am not in the mood for posting. But I found a picture of what Guy and I climbed the other day. And as you look at it realize that we came at it from the left side and we did climb that rock face. Took about 7 hours to do the 7 plus miles.

Monday, June 14, 2010

One month

hard to believe that I've been in burlington for a month.

time flies when you're having fun.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm losing it

I'm starting to swing from depression to anger and back again. Even yesterday, hiking the Camel's Hump Trail that had a 2600' climb in three miles, with the reward of a beautiful view, should have been a triumph because of the ease with which I can now climb so easily, did little to raise my mood.

I guess I am finally past denial and don't have anyone with whom to bargain. I wonder what acceptance will be like. It doesn't sound like a fun place to be when you are jobless and homeless.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Douglas Adams was right

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Crap on us, why don't you?

As if the unemployed don't have enough problems!!!

Depression and politicians

I got a call yesterday afternoon saying that I wasn't chosen for a job that I applied for in Montpelier. I didn't think I would get it so I wasn't surprised. The depressing thing is that I asked for feedback. The person who interviewed me said that I couldn't have done anything differently. My resume rose to the top and they felt comfortable with me immediately during the interview. They chose someone with more recent specific experience for the job. I have heard that three times now in the last few months. I don't know what else to do. When you can't do anything else, what can you do?

I don't care what those idiotic senators say, you can't just "get a job." There are too many applicants and not enough jobs. IDIOTS. Let's vote them all out and make them look for a job. Oh, that's right. They've done enough for their friends (e.g. made them rich on our dime) that they never will have to look for a job.

Once again I wish I were religious so I could see them all burning in hell.

Monday, June 7, 2010

a sad farewell

It's 11:38 and I'm checking out. Because of funds, I'm down to every 2 1/2 weeks. O well. It could be a lot worse. Even though I lost the place to wash daily that I had in Luray, at least here I swim a few times a week, which although not as good as a good sponge bath, does keep the flies away.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's 7:37

I woke up thirsty this morning. No great surprise since I went to bed thirsty last night. Even though I seldom drink anything after 6 PM for some reason I've been waking up having to pee really bad by 5:30 AM. Since the Walmart doesn't open until 7 my last few mornings have been very painful. So yesterday I drank less and stopped earlier.

So tonight it is 7:37 and I am drinking a glass of wine knowing that when I wake up at 3 I have a place to pee. And I AM IN HEAVEN, and it's very cheap wine.

Amazing what differentiates the homeless from regular people, especially females, eh?

O boy, O boy, O boy

Sitting here drinking a very decent cup of coffee that I got in a convenience store (that's how GOOD the coffee is here. Really tasty dark roast), listening to John Lennon's Imagine on Breakfast with the Beatles online at NY's Q104.3 (great station), listening to the rain on my roof (it's going to pour all day) and realizing that tonight is Motel night so I can just chill. Feeling human for a while.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My Book

I actually started one. I have no idea what I am doing so I don't know how far I will get or what it will say. It's harder than it seems. And I don't know what to do about a lot of people in my life who will not be happy to be mentioned. O well. All I do know is that the few people who read this BLOG will be treated very well. Not that I have to fake anything for you to be treated well. You are all outstanding and I love you all.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

why I'm not posting much lately

My life is very routine. It is a life of survival in some ways, relaxation in others. You can see that I am in some very beautiful places that I appreciate more than I can express. I am also dying a little every day because I am so unproductive and have to count pennies to ensure that I have enough to eat.

I was actually offered some food on Sunday night. There is a bar/restaurant on the waterfront and I have spoken to the owner a couple of times. She sees me there every night and Sunday she said that she had a lot left over from a catering job she did and asked if I wanted some food. I politely refused saying that I had no place to store it and I had just eaten.

I don't know whether to be depressed since I am now being offered handouts or happy that I have made friends everywhere I've been.

(This is an inside joke for Sally. Of course they are imaginary friends!!!!)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

unemployment extension - what a crock.

just noticed. one more week of benefits. if the senate doesn't do anything next week, I'm am up the proverbial creek.

Room for two anyone?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

yesterday's hike

It was tiring, but we slogged through fields of these flowers for a few hours. Looks like something Monet would paint, eh?

And, yes, it was taken in Burlington.