Thursday, February 25, 2010

Prince William Forest - a SPECIAL place

"Do you remember where you were when...?" I don't mean when Kennedy was shot, or the moon landing, or the Miracle on Ice. I mean when you learned something about yourself. Having grown up in a factory town, being outside meant baseball, football, snow ball fights, etc. Being outside for the sake of being outside was meaningless.

Then I joined the Marine Corps. During my basic training in Quantico we were trucked to Prince William Forest for Orienteering (you are given a map and compass and have to find various predetermined locations. You can do it casually, or like the Marines do it, on a graded basis.) Well, it was a beautiful day and all of a sudden I found myself on the top of a ridge, surrounded by a magnificent view, and hearing nothing but forest sounds, a rippling creek, the wind in the trees, the crunch of my footsteps. It was a religious awakening. All of a sudden I realized that I had never felt that way before and didn't want it to end. Those of you who know me know that I have now been camping, hiking, etc for the last 35 years. It was all because of that day in Prince William Forest. I returned there yesterday for the first time since my Marine Corps days and it reminded me of that time long ago. It hasn't changed. Nor have I.


PS: After my epiphany I stopped racing for time and enjoyed the hike and flunked the day and my CO was pissed. Poor guy, just didn't understand.

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