Friday, October 10, 2014

this saddens me

WOW $15 million dollars to the Pentagon to whitewash, er, I mean commemorate the VietNam war.  I don't even know how to begin.  Maybe with this:

I was in Nam, briefly, and I was in LeJeune, not so briefly.  I am covered by the VA for a gazillion unpronounceable diseases because of exposure to Agent Orange and I drank the Camp Lejeune water.  That is, of course, if I could even get an appointment at a VA hospital.  My last application for an appointment was rejected because they can't find my military records, even though I sent them copies.

So nothing will be said about the Johnson Tapes in which he admits that the Gulf of Tonkin incident never occurred and that the war was being escalated for political reasons.  None of the perpetrators of these war crimes will ever be brought to justice.  Monsanto will continue to make billions of dollars on one of the two ingredients of Agent Orange, AKA Roundup.  You, know, the spray that kills the weeds on your lawn, the genetic modification made to most GMO crops that you and livestock ingest on a daily basis.  And it doesn't stop there.  In the Gulf War it was DU (Depleted Uranium) that the Pentagon said was safe and wasn't making the Gulf War troops sick. 

So yeah, I maybe don't quite trust the Pentagon to use that $15M to create a fair and balanced history of Nam.  It sound a little too much like "We report.  You decide."

As the saying goes:  "I am already against the next war." 

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