Saturday, March 20, 2010

unemployment extension - what a crock.

It appears as if all the unemployed will sooner or later be privileged enough to receive the full 99 weeks of benefits. The good news is that I can be living like this until August 2011. The bad new is that I can be living like this until August 2011.

One argument that is occurring concerns the extension of benefits past the 99 weeks. It is interesting that when I read the debate I see so many comments about how the unemployed want to be unemployed ad live off the government teat. Now I admit that there are those who take advantage of the system. However, what is not being discussed, and what I see as the main question is how the hell did we get to a point where people who wanted jobs have already gone two years without getting one and it appears as if they, and millions of others, will go even longer? What is the matter with this country when we allow politicians to do nothing but bicker over this situation. Even the latest jobs bill allegedly will add a few hundred thousand jobs to the economy. Assuming that is correct, what the hell do we do with the other 8 MILLION unemployed?

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