Thursday, February 11, 2010


I am off to hike again. It was a great morning. The temperature was warm enough that I could clean out the car a little. I made some space in front and moved things around so I could access what I need easier.

As this is really a blog about being semi homeless I have to say that I can't imagine what it would be like to be homeless on the streets. If it weren't for the hikes, the web surfing in libraries, and long rides I take I'd go crazy. Not only is there boredom that I can overcome, but by access to the car I have fresh changes of clothes, toiletries, entertainment (books and radio) readily available.

Then there is the shelter from the storms and the biting wind. It may get cold in the car at night but there isn't a howling wind cutting through me.

Speaking of the radio and entertainment I heard Respighi's Pines of Rome on my way here. I remember the first time I heard it. It was about 30 years ago at the Savanna Symphony. The opening notes caught my attention and by the time it reached the climax I was literally on the edge of my seat. Then came the finale with the horns and the orchestra had trumpets in the balcony that answered the trumpets in the orchestra. It was point/counterpoint; report and response. Quite moving and I got chills. So that piece always puts me in a good mood.

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