Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I love feedback

A friend of mine who chastised me for not mentioning her in my final email wrote this:

I'm in my own little world of 5 year olds and I don't read up on current events. Bad American, huh? I am not a fan of the airport security policies, but was unaware of them until I got your message. I never understood war; I've always thought the countries' leaders should just arm wrestle or rock, paper, scissors and that wound be that, instead of the senseless killing of young men & women.

I kinda agree with her. Now I have imaginary friends, let's call one of them Sarah for the heck of it, who would say: But Edie, the problem is that there are people over there who hate us. And we need to protect ourselves from them.

My reply to Sarah would be that what she thinks is the problem is only half the problem. The other half of the problem is that there an "over-there Sarah" saying to an "over-there Edie" but Edie, the problem is that there are people over there who hate us. And we need to protect ourselves from them.

So I agree with my real friend. I think that the over here Sarah and the over there Sarah should meet somewhere the hell away from over here and over there and use their money and their families to do the fighting, instead of ours. Then the over here Edie and the over there Edie, and all of our friends and families, can go on trying to make our lives just a little better.

Hey, if you haven't gathered, I'm a pacifist and I love the bumper sticker that said:

I'm already against our next war.

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