Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Republicrats

I read a comment to an op-ed article this morning that was lambasting the Republic tax cut and their policies in general.  On the whole I agree with that philosophy.  However, the comment said that if you make it a Republican issue, you are being partisan and part of the problem.

I agree.  Obama and Reid in this case are no better than the rest of them.  Selling out the common folk for the rich.  PLEASE do not buy the BS that this tax plan is good for the lower class.  It does not extend Unemployment Benefits past the original 99 weeks, it expires in a year, it is only valid in some states, and it has to be paid for in some manner.  As I've been harping ... the ONLY programs with a large enough budget to offset the new deficits caused by this plan are Defense and Social Programs.  Guess which ones will be picked.  So we, the middle and lower classes will be paying for our tax cuts in the long run as well as the tax cut for the rich.

So I hereby will never complain about the Republicans unless they stand as a bloc against a policy that the Democrats stand for.  From now on I will complain about the Republicrats.

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