Monday, December 27, 2010

So now it is Thomas L. Friedman

 Don't the NY Times columnists have anything better to do than reference me.  Obviously, Mr. Friedman does not have the credentials of Mr Krugman.  After all, he's just won a couple of Pulitzer prizes and only a master's degree from Oxford.  But it is no reason to copy off of me.  In his most recent column he states"

"The politicians we need are what I’d call 'pay-as-you-go progressives'”

Now isn't that what I've been saying all along.  Although I am a progressive, I realize that we have to pay for it somehow that isn't off the backs of our kids and grandkids.  Then I realized what it is.
The following well-known quote, or some variation of it, is often attributed to Alexandre Auguste Ledru-Rollin:

"There go the people. I must follow them, for I am their leader."

goose that laid the golden egg
What we all must realize is that we are the leaders.  The politicians and pundits will say nothing unless we force the issue.  It is easier for them to offer bread and circuses (more on that in a later post.)  Now that we are screaming from the left and the right that something has to be done, they are finally paying attention.  I don't have much hope that it will be the right thing.  But at least we are being noticed.

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