Tuesday, April 6, 2010


too much to blog. Having survived Jesus Zombie day in Roanoke I left this morning. Having seen way too many religious t-shirts (remember that this is the home to Liberty College - aka Falwell U) I was ready to go. The trees were blossoming there. But 60 miles north, where the Skyline drive starts, the trees are still bare. That didn't keep it from getting close to 90 degrees and push new records. It's hard to believe that 3 months ago I was enduring a white out in the mountains of montana.

So I stop at a Mickey D's to get some wifi and the car next to me had its window open and the father was lecturing the kids on the glories of the Tea Party and I guess that they are going to a march in DC later this month. I was going to stay here a few days.

I don't think so now. I gotta figure out what to do but I don't think that this area is in my long term plans.

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