Monday, April 12, 2010

Luray, Va - a formal apology

Although I still can't find a good cup of coffee, I must admit that life here is easy. There is a brook that cuts through the town and along the brook they have built a Greenway. Next to the part that goes under Main Street is a town square. The square has a little performance stage and many benches. However, the best part is that it has great free WiFi. So I am sitting next to the stage, plugged in with power probably used by the performers, doing everything that I've been doing in a library. Since it is almost 10:30 it is already very warm so I wouldn't be able to be in the library very long because of Guy. But we are sitting in the shade, or in Guy's case sleeping in the shade, hunting for jobs and reading the various sites that I read every morning.

The best thing about it is that there are port-a-potties, very clean, so I don't have to search for restrooms.

We walked along the Greenway this morning and it is stocked with brook trout so there were many people fishing. There were plenty of water fountains, and a port-a-pottie every half mile or so.

There is a list of all the performances at this site and the local Performing Arts Center, and although it isn't Carnegie Hall, there is plenty for the locals to do.

Hmmm, free WiFi, clean facilities, electrical outlets, a safe place to sleep, and plenty of water. NYC can learn a thing or two from Luray.

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