Friday, April 2, 2010

Jesus Christ Superstar

It is an Easter "tradition" for me to listen to this CD. I used to watch the DVD but the CD gives me more flexibility. It often brings me to tears. I really wish that there were a god so I could believe in the afterlife and that things will be better. But it's BS. A loving "father" doesn't cause pain to his children so they can enjoy things later. I want an afterlife in which I sit on god's lap and "he" says: "It's OK. You don't have to worry or do anything any more. I'll take care of you." But it's not to be. There's hunger, and war, and disease, and it ain't any better when we're worm food. So I watch/listen to JCS and wish for things that will never be.

I also long for a land "over the rainbow."

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