Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why I hike - Part 4 (I think)

If you remember seeing the real pic of Mcafee's knob, you know it is a place that you can see as far as you can see. The day I was there it was kid of clousy but I really didn't care.

BUT, if you can picture that place with an outcropping over a valley and you can see forever, and combine it with the waterfall I described a few days ago, then triple the beauty, and I was there a couple of days ago.

The hike wasn't bad except for the last half mile which found me about mid point of a 90' waterfall to my left. Ahead and to my right was a valley with mountains beyond them and mountains beyond them. The only reason that it wasn't as peaceful as my prior description was there were two other hikers. One was a 20 something oriental who worked in Pentagon City. The other was a self described flabby 35 year old past his prime rock climbing days. And me.

And all we could say was "This is why we do it." We had nothing in common other than that. So for all of you who skydive, or scuba, or hike, or collect butterfly wings, that was a day of "that is why we do it" and you all understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can relate. In the middle of budget cuts, SB6, healthcare and all, each day as I'm hugged by 5 year olds, I say, "This is why I do it."
